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Topic 1: Women in conflict zones
Women and girls are always the primary target in conflict zones, and thus increases the acts of cruelty and harm against them. Gender-based violence includes arbitrary killings, forms of sexual harassment and assault, forced marriage, and torture, all considered as tactics of war. As part of UNW, your mission is to help defend and strengthen the rights of those women who suffer and go through these conditions.
Topic 2: Broadening the Scope of Women’s Citizenship, Leadership, and Political Participation in Transition Countries (Women in politics)
Despite their proven abilities as leaders and agents of change, women are extremely underrepresented in all political aspects; globally and locally. We all know about the very apparent gap when comparing men and women. Women are always limited to what they can pursue and this also includes careers in the political and democratic sector. Since women are restricted from the essentials to politics, we should therefore stand with their rights, enabling them to equally take part in the change-making process.